Production for rent: Armide (Gluck)

Welcome to the Opera-Comique dedicated web space. This production is for rent.

Composer: Christophe Willibald Gluck

Libretto: Philippe Quinault


Category: Opera in five acts

Language: French

Running times: 2h35 (including interval)

Premiered: 1777, Académie royale de musique (Paris)

New production: 5 November 2022, Opéra-Comique

Armide © Stefan Brion | Véronique Gens (Armide), Florie Valiquette (Sidonie), Apolline Raï-Westphal (Phénice), danseurs

Stage director: Lilo Baur • Set designer: Bruno de Lavenère • Costume designer: Alain Blanchot • Lighting designer: Laurent Castaingt

Chrysoline Dupont

Director of Artistic Coordination, Production and Development

In a few words

When Syria was a land of crusades and legends, its queen Armide was not only content to capture Christian knights, but also captivated them with her charms. Renaud, the bravest of them all, sets out to free his companions. Against all odds, the invincible magician falls in love with him, and her unnatural love proves destructive...


“This magnificent tragedy is more the story of an inner conflict, that of Armide, than an epic text confronting the representatives of two communities against the background of religious wars. [...] What interests me is to show Armide's particular power. [...] Armide's power is above all that of a magician, whose art is a poetic form of manipulation.”

Lilo Baur, director

Press review

“Lilo Baur transcends the decorative in a staging that roots the passions of Armide and Renaud in a sylvan mode that is by turns enchanting and desolate.”

Altamusica, 14 November 2022, Thomas Deschamps

“Lilo Baur offers a show with an elegant, even fascinating aesthetic. Indeed, the sets are sumptuous and the lighting effects striking. How can one not be seduced by the tree with its sprawling branches, on the edge of a shoreline subject to variations in luminosity that transform the earth into sky and the sky into earth? Or the luxuriant vegetation that enchantingly floods the entire scene.”

Baroque News, 11 November 2022, Ruggero Meli


Number of Principals: 8

Chorus / parts (S/A/T/B): 28 (8/6/7/7)

Extras: 3 dancers


6-5-4-5-2 / / / 1perc(timp)

Volume of the production

Set and props 3 containers

Other info

Last performed : Opéra-Comique, 2022

Production : Opéra-Comique


Christoph Willibald Gluck

5 au 15 novembre 2022

Quand la Syrie était une terre de croisades et de légendes, sa reine Armide ne se contentait pas de capturer les chevaliers chrétiens : elle les captivait aussi de ses charmes. Renaud, le plus vaillant de tous, entreprend de libérer ses compagnons. Contre tout attente, l’invincible magicienne s’éprend de lui, et son amour contre nature s’avère destructeur…

En savoir plus

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