Production for rent: Le Postillon de Lonjumeau

Welcome to the Opera-Comique dedicated web space. This production is for rent.

Composer: Adolphe Adam

Libretto: Adolphe de Leuven and Léon-Lévy Brunswick



Category: Opéra-comique in three acts

Language: French

Running times: 2h30 (including intermission)

Premiered: 1836, Opéra-Comique

New production: 30 March 2019, Opéra-Comique

Le Postillon de Lonjumeau © Stefan Brion

Stage director: Michel Fau • Set designer: Emmanuel Charles • Costume designer: Christian Lacroix • Lighting

designer: Joël Fabing • Make-up designer: Pascale Fau

Chrysoline Dupont

Director of Artistic Coordination, Production and Development

In a few words

On his wedding day with a young innkeeper from Lonjumeau, the postillion Chapelou is spotted by the director of the Opera who hires him as a soloist and takes him to Paris. But Madeleine wants her husband back...


“The subject of the work itself fascinates me. Not the flatly legal pretext of bigamy, but the great subject of love, and more precisely the different forms that love can take in a heart, in a life.
[…] Le Postillon is the triumphant bourgeoisie of the July Monarchy fantasising about the decadent reign of Louis XV, where prostitutes were ennobled, where commoners and aristocrats competed in the same race to fortune.”

Michel Fau, director

Press review

“Convincing singers and musicians, Michel Fau's fantasy, Christian Lacroix's colourful imagination: this sparkling opera makes a successful return to its birthplace after an absence of over one hundred and twenty years.”

Les Echos, 1st of April 2019, Philippe Venturini


“What could be more pleasant than to leave a theatre with joy in one's heart, a smile on one's lips and melodies in one's head? The Salle Favart offers us a lovely gift by reviving with charm, care and fantasy, the attractions of a work that was once a huge success.”

La Croix, 2nd of April 2019, Emmanuelle Giuliani


“Michel Fau gives new life to a forgotten operetta. A show of great charm.”

Au théâtre et ailleurs, 1st of April 2019, Annie Chenieux


“A radical dusting and a powerful facelift by Michel Fau.”

Toutelaculture, 02 April 2019, Victoria Okada


Number of Principals: 5 + 2 actors
Chorus / parts (S/A/T/B): 32 (9/7/8/8)

52 / / 1perc.1timp / 9-8-6-5-3

Volume of the production
Set ant props 2 containers

Other info
Last performed: Opéra de Rouen Normandie, 2019
Coproduction: Opéra de Rouen Normandie


Le Postillon de Lonjumeau

Adolphe Adam

30 mars au 9 avril 2019

Michel Fau nous fait redécouvrir un ouvrage emblématique de l’Opéra Comique, joué pour la première fois à Paris depuis 1894. Une éblouissante comédie, avec le plus français des ténors américains, Michael Spyres.

En savoir plus

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Welcome to the Opera-Comique dedicated web space to any project you may wish to develop with us. You will find rental productions.
