On the birth of my first child who had significant medical difficulties, I left the academic world and spent many years as a freelance editor and writer, including medical editing. Clients include the National Endowment for the Humanities, Dominican University and the Chicago Symphony. I currently work as part of the support team of the Dermatopathology Laboratory of Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, one of the top 10 hospitals in the U.S., while continuing work as a freelance editor and teaching violin and viola.
Translator of libretto, Le Loup-garou of Louise Bertin, to be staged September 9–11, 2022, by Opera Southwest, Albuquerque Museum of Art & History Amphitheater in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Bibliography :
Boneau, Denise. « Genesis of a Trio : The Chicago Manuscription of Fauré’s Opus 12. » Current Musicology (35: 1983) pp. 19-33
Received Fulbright grant for dissertation research in Paris 1984-1985
Presented paper on Louise Bertin’s La Esmeralda to conference « Victor Hugo inspire par des sons et la musique, Hugo inspirateur des musiciens » Besançon, September 1985 (in French)
Founding member (baroque violin) of The City Musick orchestra, Chicago, Elaine Scott Banks, Music Director, 1985-1989
Fellow, Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation, 1986-87
Presented paper on Louise Bertin’s La Esmeralda to Midwest Chapter of American Musicological Society, Bradley University, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1987
Presented paper « Louise Bertin's Fausto : An Early Faust in France » to American Musicological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, 1988
Instructor, University of Chicago, 1987-88: Introduction to Music 101
Lecturer, Roosevelt University, Chicago, 1988-90: Music Appreciation and 19th Century Master’s Seminar
Ph.D. Music History, University of Chicago, Dissertation entitled Louise Bertin and Opera in Paris in the 1820s and 1830s, December 1989
« Bertin, Louise » New Grove Dictionary of Opera, first edition, 1992