The advantage for 18-35 year-olds

At the Opéra-Comique, Paradise is on every floor. With our young people's offer, we can offer you special prices throughout the season.


Are you under 35?

  • Take advantage of an exceptional 35% discount for all the operas in the season
  • Tickets for €20 before each production, exclusively and on flash sale, on our Instagram page.
  • Special offers: receive regular special offers and numerous advantages from our partners.

All discounts are valid excluding single-price performances, in categories B to G, on presentation of proof of entitlement and subject to availability.


Young people's subscription*

From 2 operas chosen (€35 for cat. D and €25 for cat. E)

* Back-to-school offer 2024 to be booked online

Even more benefits

You are aged between 15 and 18

Don't forget the Pass Culture app!

Find our shows online and pay for your tickets using the Pass Culture application (available on Google Play and the App Store).