

If you represent a group, you can benefit from price offers and dedicated advantages.

Advantages, discounts, payment plans : discover the many deals the Opéra Comique has on offer depending on your profile!

Visit the Opéra Comique

Visit the Opéra Comique, discover an opera, go backstage… we can make it happen either on an ad hoc or long-term basis. Feel free to contact us so we can set up a project together to suit your desires and availabilities.

Visits and mediations adapted to French learning audiences.

Community centres

Communities, business committees, associations, peer groups :

10+ groups enjoy benefits

  • 20% discount on all opera performances cat B to D
  • Welcoming arrangement
  • On demand, presentation of the show(s) on your premises
  • Confirmation of your options up to 2 months before the performance

Conditions apply within limits of availability

Teachers and children's leisure centres

You plan on coming to the Opéra Comique with your class or extracurricular group and you want to prepare your visit? Discover our various formulae.

Educational tracks

Visit the Opéra Comique :
Discover this 300 year-old listed monument

Discover a work of art :
Immerse yourself in the opera before the performance

Behind the scenes access :
Meet the Opéra Comique’s artists and professionals, attend rehearsals.

Education contact

Useful resources :
Learn more about our institution and repertoire: attend trainings dedicated to teachers and the like and/or visit our website for useful resources to learn more about operas and the Opéra Comique.

Activities and resources

A show for each age group :

Primary schools

With the cosy Salle Bizet and Foyer Favart fostering proximity with the artists, and operas adapted to young audiences, children are more than welcomed at the Opéra Comique.

Secondary schools

All operas are suitable for pupils from intermediate and senior secondary schools. The Opéra Comique specifically saves seats for them for each performance.

Higher education

As well as coming to the shows, attend free seminars and conferences throughout the year.

Curricular and cocurricular sessions :

Discounts and offers :

  • 35% off on operas categories D to G
  • Curricular or co-curricular sessions, 6€/seat
  • Customised tracks are free of charge, excluding seat fees

You can book tickets without any financial commitment by putting an option. Confirmation and payments must be made at least two months before the date of the performance.

Communities contact

Student association

You plan on coming to the Opéra Comique with your group ?

Discount rates :
Benefit from 35% off on operas categories D to G.

Learn more about our institution :
As well as coming to the shows, attend free seminars and conferences throughout the year.

Socio-cultural organisations and associations

You represent a socio-cultural entity and you to come as a group? We are here to help you design customised project.

Community centres : Discover our institution

Whether you are volunteers or association leaders, come and attend our shows, discover our institution and become an ambassador of the Opéra Comique within your community. Don’t forget to sign up to our email list to receive our offers.

Useful resources to learn more about operas and the Opéra Comique: Activities and resources

Flate rates

Benefit from flexible payment terms and conditions and special rates for your groups : 10 euros for operas, 6€ for other shows.
The customised tracks are free of charge, excluding seat fees.

The mission "Vivre ensemble"

The Opéra Comique and over thirty other cultural institutions are partners of the ‘Vivre Ensemble’ mission. Since 2004, this mission has been pooling and sharing resources and contacts to organise encounters with audiences who are unfamiliar with cultural institutions and thus face discrimination in the field of culture. Catch up with the Opéra Comique in the mission’s quaterly newsletter and join us at the annual forum “Vivre Ensemble”.

Social field and Mediation contact