Trained at the Théâtre National de Strasbourg (2002-2005) and at the University of Paris X in Performing Arts. At a very young age, she founded the collective Cie TOC with Mirabelle Rousseau and worked together for more than ten years, with, among others, "Le Précepteur" by J. Lenz, "Turandot" by B. Brecht, "Ma langue" by C. Tarkos, and most recently for the play "Iris" by JP. Manchette at the Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil.
Since 2011, she has worked closely with choreographer Robyn Orlin at the Festival In d'Avignon with "At the Same Time", at the Théâtre de la Ville for "Have You Hugged Your Brown Venus Today? "in 2011, at the Théâtre de la Bastille for "In a world of full butterflies, it takes balls to be a caterpillar...", for the solo "And so you see..." created for Montpellier Danse 2016, and to create together "Oh Louis..." for the Festival D'Automne 2018 and the Espace Cardin, they will create together "Pygmalion" at the Dijon Opera in 2018. She met the artist Phia Ménard for "Et in arcadia ego" at L'Opéra-Comique, where she assisted her in directing and also began a lighting collaboration with her. Together they will create "Saison Sèche" for the Festival In D'Avignon 2018.
She has worked for 20 years with author and director David Lescot as a lighting designer or assistant director and lighting manager, depending on the project, for "Un homme en faillite", "Le système de Ponzi", "Ceux qui restent", "Nos occupations", "Les jeunes", "La commission centrale de l'enfance", at the Théâtre de la Ville and for "L'Amélioration" at the Théâtre du Rond-point.
She recently worked on "Les derniers jours de l'humanité" by K. Kraus at the Comédie Française, and on Bizet's opera "Djamileh" at the Opéra de Rouen.
Since leaving the TNS, she has worked with Emilie Rousset at the Comédie de Reims on "Mars Watchers" by Anne Kavala, "La place Royale" by P. Corneille, "L'étang" by R. Walser, "Santiago" by C. Soto, "La tentation des Pieuvres" in collaboration with the musician Maguelone Vidal, and "Bobigny, reconstitution" at the T2G. Their collaboration is ongoing and will give rise to two projects in 2022 for the Festival d'Automne.
As a lighting designer, she has worked with artists such as Laurent Charpentier on "Frères et Soeur", Séverine Chavrier on "Projet 1 femme 2", Julie Beres on "Désobéir" and Antoine Lemaire on "Si tu veux pleurer, prends mes yeux" and "Adolphe", Catherine Dreyfus, Maguelone Vidal, Eva Vallejo, Hassane Kouyaté, Karima El Kharraze, Scali Delpeyrat, Blandine Savetier , Aurélia Guillet , D' de Kabal , Mathieu Bauer, Benoit Résillot , Alexandre Zeff, Yves Adler , Valérie Joly et Philippe Dormoy, V. Teindas et S.Carlin....
She was a member of Olivier Benoit's ONJ (Orchestre National de Jazz) from 2014 to 2015, and was responsible for the lighting and set design.
She continues to work as a set designer and lighting designer with Antoine Colnot and Anne Rebindher, Cie HKC, for "Nuit Blanche", "la petite fille..." and "Urgence" at the Maison de la Danse and Théâtre National de Chaillot, Karima El Kharraze for "le cafard et l'Orchidée", shows for young audiences, and Marion Lécrivain for "Manque" by Sarah Kane.
Since 2014-2015, she has been a lecturer in "theory and practice" at the University of Paris X Nanterre, for 2nd year undergraduates, and has given courses for 1st year students in the stage management section of the TNS, and students in the Master pro mise en scène programme.
Every summer from 2005 to 2019 she worked for the Festival In D'Avignon, first as a lighting stage manager, then from 2009 as a general stage manager.
Finally, from 2018 to 2022 she was technical director of the Mc93, first as assistant, then as technical director, as well as deputy technical director of the Comédie-Française at the Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier. In 2023 she returned to lighting design with Bernard Sobel for "la mort d'empédocle" at the théâtre de l'épée de bois and with Laurent Charpentier for "Grand duc" at the théâtre ouvert.