A promising first class for the Maîtrise Populaire de l'Opéra Comique

Wednesday 8 June was the audition day at the Collège Couperin in the premises intended for the activities of the maîtrise (choir). Parents were expecting their children to exhibit their aspirations as music lovers.

Published on 13 June 2016

Photo © Stefan Brion

From 9 am to 8.30 pm, 110 candidates aged 8 to 17 from diverse geographical and social origins succeeded one another to be auditioned before a jury of teachers and professionals.  The goal was to select among children with no or little musical training those who had the most promising voice while exhibiting an unusual inclination for this discipline. One minute of singing, an interview, and sometimes a short dramatic improvisation were requested from the participants.

"We are very proud of this class," the jury declared after its deliberation.  After a few minutes of stage fright and in spite of lack of experience for most candidates, some displayed a true vocal and artistic personality in addition to a passion for singing. Thirty-seven children of all ages were selected. The youngest will be involved in a new group while the oldest will be incorporated into groups set up over the last years at the Compagnie Sans Père.

The Maîtrise Populaire of the Opéra-Comique

The Maîtrise Populaire de l'Opéra-Comique, is an artistic, educational and social project founded by Sarah Koné. It accompanies 120 young people aged 8 to 25 and trains them in the performing arts throughout their schooling.

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