Fantasio in pictures

Young Fantasio has lost his taste for life, and dreams of changing his skin. The king's jester has died: why not replace him? But no one loved the deceased more than Princess Elsbeth, who has been promised a sorry political union. The new jester will lead the princess to listen to her heart. How far will she let herself be seduced?

Discover the show in pictures!

Published on 14 December 2023

Offenbach met Musset at the Comédie-Française and owed him his initial success “La chanson de Fortunio”. The romantic dimension of Fantasio as revisited by the poet’s brother totally inspired him. 

Extracts of the show

Photos of the show

Musical direction Laurent Campellone• Stage direction Thomas Jolly • With Gaëlle Arquez, Jodie Devos, Franck Leguérinel, Jean-Sébastien Bou, François Rougier, Anna Reinhold, Thomas Dolié, Mathieu Justine, Yoann Le Lan, Virgile Frannais, Bruno Bayeux, Louison Bayeux, Juliette Gauthier • Choir Ensemble Aedes • Orchestre de chambre de Paris


Jacques Offenbach

December 13 to 23, 2023

In 2017, Laurent Campellone and Thomas Jolly revived this recently recovered jewel. Performed at the Châtelet during the Opéra-Comique’s restoration, the show is now returning to the place that inspired it, with Gaëlle Arquez in one of the finest cross-dressing roles of the repertoire.

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