Malvina and Denise Menda scholarships’ winners in concert

Published on 27 September 2021

Last Friday, 24th September, eight young soloists, all laureates of Malvina and Denise Menda scholarships in 2020 or 2021, sung in the Opéra Comique’s Foyer in front of an audience composed of their relatives and patrons.

Thanks to a generous bequest from Malvina and Denise Menda, the Opéra Comique and the Fondation de France have awarded 5 scholarships to young singers in the making ever year, since 2020. They will continue to do so for the next fifteen years. One to two scholarships are awarded to pupils in their third cycle at the opéra Comique’s Maîtrise Populaire, the others are awarded to young soloists starting out their career


First part: “Pupil” laureates

Ludmilla Bouakkaz – Soprano – Laureate 2020
« Ah ! Quelle triste destinée » extract of Orphée aux enfers by Offenbach

Violette Clapeyron – Soprano – Laureate 2021
« J’ai deux amants » » extract of L’Amour Masqué by Messager

Arthur Roussel – Ténor – Laureat 2020
« O Richard ! O mon Roi ! » extract of Richard Cœur de Lion by Gréty

Justine Chauzy – Soprano – Laureate 2021
« J’ai perdu mon Eurydice » extract of Orphée et Eurydice by Glück

Justine Chauzy and Arthur Roussel
« Le Malheureux » by Saint-Saëns

Ludmilla Bouakkaz and Violette Clapeyron
« Duo des fleurs » extract of Lakmé by Delibes

Second part: “Young soloist” laureates

Margot Genet – Soprano – Laureate 2021
« Rossignol Amoureux » extract of Hippolyte et Aricie by Rameau
« Je suis encore toute étourdie » extract of Manon by Massenet

Apolline Rai-Westphal – Soprano – Laureate 2021
« Adieu notre petite table » extract of Manon by Massenet
« Bien chapeautée » extract of Phi-Phi by Christiné

Marie-Andrée Bouchard-Lesieur – Mezzo-Soprano – Laureate 2020
« Il va venir » extract of La Juive by Halévy
« Oh la pitoyable aventure ! » extract of L’Heure espagnole by Ravel

With the support of

La Fondation de France