Official launch of the RELAX inclusive scheme

The Ciné-ma différence association together with the Opéra Comique launched the RELAX inclusive scheme yesterday. But what is the RELAX scheme?

Published on 19 December 2019

Lancement du dispositif inclusif Relax © Stefan Brion

RELAX aims to offer a benevolent and relaxed environment in which everyone can enjoy a show and live one’s emotions without fear. In fact, many are those who are deprived of cinema, theater or concerts. Being experimented at the Opéra Comique since 2018, RELAX performances provide those persons whose disability (autism, multiple disabilities, intellectual disability, mental disability, Alzheimer’s disease…) may lead to atypical behaviors have access to the performing arts

INCLUSIVE is the word!

The RELAX scheme is inclusive in that it is implemented during ordinary performances for usual audiences.

  • The public, staff, artists and technicians are informed prior to the performance.
  • The ticketing and reception staff are trained (and reinforced by employees and/or volunteers) in order for each audience member to feel welcomed.
  • Prior to the performance, the persons concerned are provided with spatiotemporal markers so that they may prepare their attending the performance.
  • Dedicated seats are reserved for them.
  • Before curtain-up, a special message with an explanation of the principle of the performance is distributed to all.
  • During the performance, everyone may express one’s emotions without fear and a dedicated team is there if help is needed.

    A friendly atmosphere, an instant result:

    • The persons with a complex disability have access to the pleasure provided by the performance.
    • They gradually become familiar with a theater auditorium.
    • Those accompanying disabled persons can relax and enjoy the performance without fearing the others’ gaze.
    • Those without a disability discover that sharing entertainment is possible and even enjoyable.

    With the support of


    You suffer from a disability and you would like to come to the Opéra-Comique ? The Opéra-Comique provides adapted assistance to visitors with special needs.

    See more