Macbeth Underworld
15 € / 10 € (under 18) / 6 € (schools)

or he whose name must not be spoken

November 17 to 18, 2023

15 € / 10 € (under 18) / 6 € (schools)

How can we, in our contemporary rationalistic world, question and reinvent the terrifying and supernatural story of Macbeth, without scaring everyone ?
Using irony perhaps…

How does that character of the past still haunt our modern theatres and opera houses ? And what is this superstition which forbids us to speak his name for fear of the worst disasters happening on show nights ?

Will the Maîtrise Populaire be able to play, sing and dance this piece without incurring the wrath of the past on our innocent audiences ? Nothing could be less certain…

Musical direction Clara Brenier Artistic direction and choreography Christine Bonneton Piano Katia Weimann artistic direction
of the Maîtrise Populaire Sarah Koné La Maîtrise Populaire de l'Opéra-Comique

Duration : 1h
Rates : 15 € / 10 € (under 18) / 6 € (schools)
Salle Bizet

People with reduced mobility

16 seats are dedicated to people with reduced mobility, on reservation at the box office or by phone. Access to the lift is located 5 rue Favart
+33 1 70 23 01 44 | d'envoi de courriel)


Les pléiades

Around the show
As you will discover, each lyrical production will be supported by “Pleiades” extending and enriching its content in accessible, offbeat, prospective or intimate formats.

On display

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