This production in 7 tableaux from the combined imagination of composer Marc-Olivier Dupin and librettist and director Ivan Grinberg will be designed and filmed for the Web with the help of François Roussillon et Associés and broadcast live by Arte Concert.

This creation, a veritable operatic thriller, will compile veiled references to the Opéra Comique and allusions to the trades and places of the theater. There will be investigations and thrills but in a zany vein accessible to children aged 8 and up.
A grand gala is preparing at the Opéra Comique but a succession of events leads to chaos: a squirrel is murdered, a vocalist is attacked by a piece of scenery, flammable substances disappear… Who is responsible for this jumble? Saint Germain, the director, is panicking. He wants to do everything to save his gala. Everything?

Bande-annonce du Mystère de l'Écureuil Bleu
Press (in French)
Le compositeur Marc-Olvier Dupin est l'invité du dossier du jour pour la création à l'Opéra Comique d'un opéra diffusé uniquement sur le web : Le Mystère de l'écureuil bleu - Enquête à l'Opéra Comique. Ecouter ici.
Olivier Mantei et Marc-Olivier Dupin sont les invités du Grand Journal de l’Opéra par Stéphane Grant. Ecouter ici.
Musical direction Marc-Olivier Dupin • Staging Ivan Grinberg • Choregraphy Caroline Marcadé • Ronan Debois, Sandrine Buendia, Armelle Khourdoïan, Jean-Jacques L'Anthoën, Safir Behloul, Marion Tassou, Stuart Seide • Orchestra Les Frivolités Parisiennes
Production Opéra Comique
Capture François Roussillon et Associés
With Théâtre Impérial de Compiègne
Broadcast live on Sunday 21 February at 6 pm on the Web with the family.

Musicians : Thibaut Maudry Violon, Hélène Barre Alto, Jeremy Genet Cello, Sylvain Courteix Contrebasse, Charlotte Bletton Flute, Damien Fourchy Hautbois, François Tissot Clarinette, Cédric Müller Cor 2, Alexis Crouzil Cor 1, Adrien Ramon Trompette, Marc Abry Trombone, Pierre Michel Timballes, Alexandre Esperet Percussions, Pierre Cussac Accordeon, Chloé Ducray Harpe, Tancrede Cymerman Tuba, Benjamin El Arbi Basson, Mathieu Franot Clarinette Basse, Chef de chant, Nathalie Dang, Le pianiste, Thomas Palmer
Production Opéra Comique
Capture François Roussillon et Associés
With Théâtre Impérial de Compiègne