120, 95, 72, 41, 15, 6€


Jean-Philippe Rameau

March 20 to 30, 2014

120, 95, 72, 41, 15, 6€

Comédie lyrique in a prologue and three acts. Libretto by Adrien-Joseph Le Valois d’Orville. Based on the comedy by Jacques Autreau
Premiered on 31 March 1745 at the Grande Ecurie in Versailles. Not recommended for people under 12.

Jean-Philippe Rameau is a crucial landmark in French music. This contemporary of Handel revolutionized the orchestral idiom and composed some of the greatest operatic masterpieces of his century.

He debuted at the Opéra Comique. At the height of his fame and on the wedding festivities of the Dauphin, Rameau regained the spirit of burlesque in his one and only comedy, Platée, a scathing satire of opera in which the gods and the animals vie in wickedness on a score that is both gorgeous and amazing.

The queen of the moors, Platée the nymph, is the victim of a cruel plot contrived by Jupiter to castigate the jealousy of his wife Juno with the help from Olympus and the raging elements.

Sung by a man and surrounded by frogs, Platée shatters conventions: declamation, dance and singing are turned upside down. Conducted by William Christie and Robert Carsen, Folly personified brings credibility to the buffo genre.

Performance duration : 3h with an interval

Platée will be broadcast on :
Mezzo & Mezzo Live HD live on 27 March at 8pm
France Musique on 12 April 2014 at 7pm
Culturebox from 3 April to 10 October 2014

Music direction, Paul Agnew • Staging and lighting, Robert Carsen • With Marcel Beekman, Simone Kermes, Virginie Thomas, Cyril Auvity, Emmanuelle de Negri, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, João Fernandes, Marc Mauillon, Emilie Renard • Choir and orchestra, Les Arts Florissants

See all the cast

Thursday, March 20, 2014 - 8:00pm

Saturday, March 22, 2014 - 8:00pm

Monday, March 24, 2014 - 8:00pm

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 8:00pm

Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 8:00pm

Sunday, March 30, 2014 - 3:00pm

3:00 - Salle Favart

120, 95, 72, 41, 15, 6€

Présentation de Platée par Agnès Terrier


Music direction
Paul Agnew
Staging and lighting
Robert Carsen
Nicolas Paul
Scenery and costumes
Gideon Davey
Peter Van Praet
Ian Burton
Staging assistant
Jena-Michel Criqui
Lighting assistant
Nathalie Perrier
Marcel Beekman
La Folie
Simone Kermes
Virginie Thomas
Mercure, Thespis
Cyril Auvity
Clarine, Amour
Emmanuelle de Negri
Edwin Crossley-Mercer
João Fernandes
Cithéron / Momus du Prologue
Marc Mauillon
Emilie Renard

Dancers, Camille Brulais, Anaëlle Echalier, Fanny Gombert, Anna Konopska, Suzanne Meyer, Haruka Miyamoto, Gaël Alamagrot, Alexandre Bado, Jean Gérald Dupau, Julien Gaillac

Figurants, Erwan Besnard, Jean-François Martin, Benoit Michaud, Basile Peclars, Jean-Philippe Poujoulat, Mathieu Revault, Anthony Roullier, Georges Vauraz

Choir et orchestra, Les Arts Florissants

Co-production, Opéra Comique, Theater an der Wien
Associate partner, Les Arts Florissants, with the special support of The Selz Fondation

Edition, Société Rameau Paris, represented by Alkor-Edition Kassel, République Fédérale d’Allemagne


Sponsor of the production:
With the support of:
Logo de France Musique
France inter
As part of the Rameau's year

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