Robert le cochon et les kidnappeurs
30€ | 15€ (-18 ans)

Robert le cochon et les kidnappeurs

Marc-Olivier Dupin

April 06 to 10, 2022

30€ | 15€ (-18 ans)
Book your tickets for 2022 : Subscriptions on 21st September | Discount cards on 5th October | Single tickets on 12 October 2021

On a quiet night, Robert the Pig, finds out that his friend the wolf Mercibocou has been abducted by Trashella, the owner of the garbage dump. To have him released, Robert’s boldness, Nouille’s passion and the Moon’s help will be necessary

These heroes had long been creatures solely animated by Ivan Grinberg’s whim of fantasy at his children’s bedtime. In 2014, Marc Olivier has composed a musical tale bringing theses characters to life in the mysterious garbage dump… a great opportunity to get our kids hooked on opera!

Comic opera for all audiences, created at the Opéra Comique on 13th June 2014

Music by Marc-Olivier Dupin • Libretto by Ivan Grinberg • Musical direction Marc-Olivier Dupin • Stage direction Ivan Grinberg • With Sahy Ratia, Christophe Gay, Faustine de Monès, Damien Bouvet, Marie-Andrée Bouchard-Lesieur • Orchestra Les Frivolités parisiennes

See all the cast

1h20 no intermission - Salle Favart
30€ | 15€ (under 18)
> Schools : 6€
> Carte Mainate : 21€ | 13€

Audio description (EN)

Some operas are available in audio description. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand.
More info on this page

People with reduced mobility

16 seats are dedicated to people with reduced mobility, on reservation at the box office or by phone. Access to the lift is located 5 rue Favart
+33 1 70 23 01 44 |

Visitors who are deaf or hard of hearing

Headsets and magnetic loops are available at the ticket inspection desk, on deposit of your ID. Material in Braille and large prints is available free of charge, on site.

Relax sessions

Relax sessions offer a inclusive caring environment for people whose disability (autism, multiple disabilities, mental or psychic disability, Alzheimer…) may give rise to atypical and unpredictable behaviour during the show.

Aged 6 and older

Around the show

Introduction to the opera

40 minutes before the performance | Salle Bizet
Free after the performance

Après le spectacle

After the show, 15 minutes of exchange with the artistse
Free after the performance


Relax sessions
One Relax session is available on 10 April 2022
RELAX sessions offer a inclusive caring environment for people whose disability (autism, multiple disabilities, mental or psychic disability, Alzheimer…) may give rise to atypical and unpredictable behaviour during the show.

Audio description
This opera is available in audio description on 10 April 2022. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand.

More info on this page


Musical direction
Marc-Olivier Dupin
Stage direction
Ivan Grinberg
Scenography and costumes
Paul Cox
Madjid Hakimi
Collaboration to movements
Caroline Marcadé
Vocal coach
Joseph Birnbaum
Robert le cochon, Louyaplu, le tueur de loups
Sahy Ratia
Robert the pig Louyaplu, the wolves
Mercibocou le loup
Christophe Gay
Thanksverymuch the wolf
Nouille la grenouille / la Lune
Faustine de Monès
Nouille the frog / the Moon
Vieux Hibou, Ferdinand, gardien muet du dépotoir
Damien Bouvet
Old owl Ferdinand, deaf keeper
Trashella, propriétaire du dépotoir
Marie-Andrée Bouchard-Lesieur
Trashella,owner of the garbage dump
Les Frivolités Parisiennes

Opéra Comique

With the support of

Fonds de création lyrique

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