Jérôme Deschamps, who conceived the whole performance, brings humanity and poetry to Jourdain’s gentle dreamer. The Musiciens du Louvre make this festive score gleam.

Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, la bande annonce
Mr. Jourdain is studying arts and good manners, believing it’s never too late to learn and climb the social ladder. What a misfortune for him to be born bourgeois during the reign of Louis XIV! He is doomed to be deceived as he is made to believe his daughter is married to the Grand Turk’s heir.
Lead character of Molière and Lully’s last ‘Comédie-Ballet’, this commoner who dreams about becoming a nobleman aimed at putting a grin on Louis XIV’s face, at the expense of the courtesans and the Turks. Molière-Jourdain succeeded: “This is what true comedy is about, healthy and helpful jokes” thanked the monarch. The masterpiece is a model of balance prefiguring Lully's opera genre, as music, singing and dance embody the drama like never before.
Jérôme Deschamps, who signs the direction of the whole show, brings humanity and poetry to this bourgeois dreamer whose wonder we share. The Musiciens du Louvre make these festive score and dances gleam with epic generosity.
Comedy-ballet in five acts. Created at the Château de Chambord in 1670.
« Il n’est pas celui qu’on croit, un ridicule sottement ambitieux, en appétit des honneurs, mais un bourgeois qui s’ennuie et qui désire s’élever, quitter sa vie routinière, et devenir un « homme de qualité » par la culture. Il rêve... Bien sûr, ignorant de ces matières, de leur contenu le plus simple, il n’en connaît que les signes extérieurs qui l’attirent, et sa naïveté nous amuse. Les autres rient de lui, on s’en moque, on le croit fou. Il rêve… Et je veux ici faire partager sa solitude au milieu de ceux qui le dupent, son émerveillement devant le paradis qu’il croit voir naître sous ses yeux. Et rêver… »
Jérôme Deschamps
Riche bourgeois, M. Jourdain entend acquérir les manières des gens de qualité. Il décide de commander un nouvel habit plus conforme à sa nouvelle condition et se lance dans l'apprentissage des armes, de la danse, de la musique et de la philosophie, autant de choses qui lui paraissent indispensables à la condition de gentilhomme à laquelle il aspire.
Il courtise Dorimène, une marquise veuve, amenée sous son toit par son amant Dorante, un comte autoritaire qui entend bien profiter de la naïveté de M. Jourdain et de Dorimène.
Mme Jourdain et Nicole, leur servante, se moquent de M. Jourdain, puis s'inquiètent de le voir aussi envieux, et tentent de le ramener à la réalité du prochain mariage de sa fille Lucile avec Cléonte. Mais ce dernier n'étant pas gentilhomme, M. Jourdain refuse cette union.
Cléonte décide alors d'entrer dans le jeu des rêves de noblesse de M. Jourdain. Avec l'aide de son valet Covielle, il se fait passer pour le fils du Grand Turc. Il obtient ainsi le consentement de M. Jourdain, qui se croit parvenu à la plus haute noblesse après avoir été promu « Mamamouchi » lors d'une cérémonie turque burlesque organisée Covielle et ses complices.
Musical direction Theotime Langois de Swarte • Staging direction, Jérôme Deschamps • With Flore Babled/Pauline Gardel, Jean-Claude Bolle Reddat, Sébastien Boudrot, Vincent Debost, Jérôme Deschamps, Pauline Deshons/Bénédicte Choisnet, Aurélien Gabrielli, Guillaume Laloux, Josiane Stoleru, Pauline Tricot/Lucrèce Carmignac, Sandrine Buendia / Natalie Pérez / Constance Malta-Bey, Nile Senatore, Lisandro Nesis, Jérôme Varnier / Nabil Suliman • Orchestra Les Musiciens du Louvre
See all the cast3h (including intermission) - Salle Favart
65, 52, 43, 32, 25, 20, 12, 6€
Performing in French, with English surtitles
The doors of the opera-house open 45 minutes before the performance.
Some operas are available in audio description. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand.
More info on this page
16 seats are dedicated to people with reduced mobility, on reservation at the box office or by phone. Access to the lift is located 5 rue Favart
+33 1 70 23 01 44 | accessibilite@opera-comique.com
Relax sessions offer a inclusive caring environment for people whose disability (autism, multiple disabilities, mental or psychic disability, Alzheimer…) may give rise to atypical and unpredictable behaviour during the show.
Around the show
To discover
45 minutes before the performance : The keys to the show with the dramaturge of the Opéra Comique.
Salle Bizet | Free
To sing
45 minutes before the performance : Sing some thunes oh the show with a choir director.
Foyer Favart | Free
To relax
The intermission bar offers drinks and light refreshments as soon as the theatre doors open.
Relax session | Sunday, the 26th march at 3:00 pm
RELAX sessions offer a inclusive caring environment for people whose disability may give rise to atypical and unpredictable behaviour during the show.
Audio description | Saturday, the 18th march at 8:00 pm and Sunday, the 19th march at 3:00 pm
This opera is available in audio description. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand.

The Compagnie Jérôme Deschamps is supported by the French Ministry of Culture.
The Musiciens du Louvre receive financial support from the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the French Ministry of Culture (DRAC Auvergne -Rhône - Alpes).
This show is supported by the Région Ile-de-France and the SPEDIPAM.
Behind the scenes
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