Any resemblance to a theater or similar places is purely coincidental and beyond our will

One single chair is missing and the whole place looks void. What then when there is none left?

Published on 4 September 2015

Photo © Stefan Brion

Today the orchestra section is bare. The floor is stripped of its wood flooring, the iron structures that could not be used on the Eiffel Tower are protected with ordinary wooden casings, concrete blocks hold the huge scaffolding that will soon occupy the theater from top to bottom and the hangings have been removed – appearing to be torn down from afar – adding to the desolation. To those who used to come to Favart, the first two photos are somewhat shocking. They express the extent of what is taking place on the construction site. On reopening our house, the audience will be pleased to feel coolness from under their seats. Two hundred small, invisible and silent vents will renew the auditorium air. Those familiar with the Salle Bizet and the elevator that leads to the upper floors will probably take a look at photo n°6 and try to disregard the boxing that protects the marbles and gildings. Number one rule on this gigantic construction site in such a historic place: first protect what has great value and is to stay on site before starting the actual work. The impression of preparation is most obvious inside and outside the building. Then, the desolation tends to recede. The appearances are misleading. Things are unrecognizable but everything will reemerge as it was, only better.


The photos that follow must look quite strange to the theater’s collaborators, artists, technicians and staff who used to stroll there. Some of them won’t recognize their former working place, especially on photo n°8. Those who work for the audiovisual department, the production department and the make-up room won’t believe their eyes. The walls are bare. Nothing’s left, not even an old picture, a memory. Another basic rule on the construction site of very old houses: throw away what spoils the effectiveness of the whole. Some areas of Favart will be revamped. 


Renovation work: Favart undergoes a total makeover

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