Category: Opéra-comique in three acts
Language: French
Running times: 2h35 (including interval)
Premiered: 1837, Opéra-Comique
New production: 23 February 2018, Opéra Royal de Wallonie, Liège

Le Domino Noir Vincent © Pontet
Stage director: Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq* • Choreography: Glyslein Lefever • Set designer: Laurent Peduzzi • Costume designer: Vanessa Sannino • Lighting designer: Christian Pinaud • Sound designer: Dominique Bataille • Puppet designers: Valérie Lesort and Carole Allemand
*member of the Comédie-Française
Director of Artistic Coordination, Production and Development
In a few words
Just before taking the veil, the niece of the Queen of Spain leaves the convent incognito to dance one last time at the ball. But on her way home, she finds herself locked out. In the course of a crazy night, she has to change her identity and her plans multiple times… and, finally, her vocation.
An award-winning performance
Grand Prix de la Critique for best opera performance 2018 - Professional Association of Theatre, Music and Dance Critics
“From the beginning of the rehearsals, we agreed with the singers that psychology had no place in this mechanism. Le Domino Noir is presented as Feydeau's rewriting of the Cinderella tale with, to amuse the audience of the July Monarchy, slamming doors, misunderstandings, deceived husbands and lovers, and a satirical look at human failings.”
Christian Hecq and Valérie Lesort, directors
Press review
“The comic opera Le Domino noir, created in 1837, is a lively production that rediscovers Daniel-François-Esprit Auber, an unjustly forgotten musician. […] The art of directors Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq was to bring [the story] up to date. […] With new set elements and superb costumes, everything has been designed to transform the play without altering the story.
Le Figaro, 1st of April 2018, François Délétraz
“The sets are pleasing to the eye, one per act, as a nod to the austerity that today's stagings have come to impose as the norm by dint of simplicity and economy; imaginative and colourful costumes; enough gags to amuse without distracting attention; spoken dialogue - the Achilles heel of the genre - adapted with respect, without visible seams or heavy allusions to current events. What more could you ask for ?”
Forum Opéra, 25 February 2018, Christophe Rizoud
“The staging of the duo composed of Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq makes up for the fragility of the libretto with a great deal of wit and humour that most often works. Not only in the hilarious scenes […] but also by the diffuse presence of a second degree, by a choreography that constantly sets the characters in motion at the same time, by the sets, one per act, that possess a certain magic.”
France Culture, 28 March 2018, Lorenzo Ciavarini Azzi
Number of Principals : 8 + 2 members of the choir
Chorus / parts (S/A/T/B) : 32 (8/6/9/9)
Extras : 6 dancers
49 / / / + 1 perc + 1 organ
Volume of the production
Set and props 4 containers
Other info
Last performed : Opéra de Lausanne, March 2023
Coproduction : Opéra Royal de Wallonie, Opéra de Lausanne

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