Masterclass at the Académie with Stéphanie d'OustracConcerts and recitals
"La Dame Blanche" 200th anniversarySeminars
A l'heure du déjeunerConcerts and recitals
Academy recitalsConcerts and recitals
After-Show | Faust
After-Show | La Grande affabulation
After-Show | Le Domino noir
After-Show | Les Sentinelles
After-show | Médée
After-Show | Picture a day like this
After-Show | Samson
Ali BabaOpera
Amadis de GauleOpera
An evening with Sylvia BergéConcerts and recitals
At lunchtimeConcerts and recitals
At lunchtimeConcerts and recitals
At lunchtimeEvent
At lunchtimeConcerts and recitals
AtysConcerts and recitals
Au MondeOpera
Baby choirYoung audiences programme
Baby choirsYoung audiences programme
Ballets de Noverre
Béatrice et BénédictOpera
Behind the scenesYoung audiences programme
Bohème, notre jeunesseOpera
Boogie workshopYoung audiences programme
Breaking the wavesOpera
Cabaret horrifiqueConcerts and recitals
Cabaret horrifiqueConcerts and recitals
Cadmus et HermioneOpera
Carmen in TapConcerts and recitals
Carte blanche à Olivier Martin-SalvanConcerts and recitals
Chantez maintenantConcerts and recitals
Chasing rainbowsConcerts and recitals
Chasing rainbowsConcerts and recitals
Christmas concertConcerts and recitals
Christmas concertConcerts and recitals
Christmas concertConcerts and recitals
Christmas concert of the Maîtrise PopulaireYoung audiences programme
Christmas with the Maîtrise Populaire de l'Opéra-ComiqueYoung audiences programme
Comme ça vous chanteEvent
Concert de Gala pour salle videConcerts and recitals
Concert de la Maîtrise PopulaireConcerts and recitals
Concert de la Pré-Maîtrise et des 6eYoung audiences programme
Concert of the Maîtrise Populaire de l'Opéra-ComiqueYoung audiences programme
Concours Long-ThibaudConcerts and recitals
Contes chinoisYoung audiences programme
Contes de la lune vague après la pluieOpera
Cours publicsConcerts and recitals
D'amour, l'ardente flammeSeminars
Dance at the Opéra-ComiqueSeminars
David et JonathasOpera
Dido and AeneasOpera
Dido And AeneasOpera
Dining With JacquesConcerts and recitals
Donnerstag aus LichtOpera
Ercole AmanteOpera
Et in Arcadia ego
European Heritage DaysEvent
European Heritage DaysEvent
European heritage days : open house daysEvent
Family tours: Visit the Opéra-Comique Event
Fidelio, a "true" opera?Seminars
Gabriel Fauré - Théodore Dubois: perspectives and legacySeminars
Gala evening
Gounod in the limelightSeminars
Gretel & Hansel Young audiences programme
Hippolyte et AricieOpera
Histoire du soldat & El amor brujoOpera
Il segreto di Susanna & La voix humaineOpera
Iphigénie en TaurideOpera
Jolis Chœurs | Youth festivalEvent
Karine Deshayes & friendsConcerts and recitals
L'Amant jaloux ou Les fausses apparencesOpera
L'amour à la françaiseConcerts and recitals
L'amour à la française at the Musée d'OrsayConcerts and recitals
L'Autre VoyageOpera
L'enfant et les sortilègesYoung audiences programme
L’affaire Fantasio, Chronicles of an OperaOpera
L’Opéra Comique at the time of the RTLN (1939-1971)Seminars
La Belle HélèneOpera
La bonne causeSeminars
La Bonne Cause / Autopsy of the domestic Concerts and recitals
La Chauve-sourisOpera
La Dame blancheOpera
La Fille de Madame AngotOpera
La Grande affabulationOpera
La Mécanique des sentimentsConcerts and recitals
La Muette de PorticiOpera
La Nonne SanglanteOpera
La PéricholeOpera
La Petite Boutique des horreursOpera
La princesse légèreOpera
Laïka, le chien de l'espaceYoung audiences programme
Le Bourgeois gentilhommeOpera
Le Bourgeois gentilhommeOpera
Le Domino NoirOpera
Le Domino noirOpera
Le Favart, a pastry creationEvent
Le FreischützOpera
Le Mystère de l'écureuil bleuOpera
Le Postillon de LonjumeauOpera
Le Pré aux ClercsOpera
Le Voyage d'hiverConcerts and recitals
Le Voyage dans la LuneOpera
Le voyage dans la LuneOpera
Le voyage dans la LuneOpera
Les BoulingrinOpera
Les Brigands
Les contes d'HoffmannOpera
Les ÉclairsOpera
Les femmes de l'Opéra ComiqueSeminars
Les femmes de l'Opéra Comique, Opus 3Seminars
Les Fêtes d'HébéOpera
Les Fêtes VénitiennesOpera
Les Fiançailles au CouventOpera
Les Italiens dans la musique françaiseSeminars
Les Mamelles de TirésiasOpera
Les Mousquetaires au couventOpera
Les Pêcheurs de PerlesOpera
Les SentinellesOpera
Les souvenirs de la troupeConcerts and recitals
Love of song | Gaëlle Arquez et Susan ManoffConcerts and recitals
Love of song | Lea Desandre et Thomas DunfordConcerts and recitals
Love of song | Sabine Devieilhe et Mathieu PordoyConcerts and recitals
Love of song | Stéphane Degout et Cédric TiberghienConcerts and recitals
Lucie de LammermoorOpera
Lyrical drama at the Opéra-ComiqueSeminars
Macbeth or he whose name must not be spokenYoung audiences programme
Macbeth UnderworldOpera
Macbeth UnderworldOpera
Macbeth Underworld eveningEvent
Madame FavartOpera
Madame White SnakeOpera
Maestro !Concerts and recitals
Marion LebègueConcerts and recitals
Mârouf, Savetier du CaireOpera
Mârouf, savetier du CaireOpera
Masterclass at the AcadémieConcerts and recitals
Masterclass at the AcadémieConcerts and recitals
Masterclass at the AcadémieConcerts and recitals
Masterclass at the Académie with Cyrille DuboisConcerts and recitals
Masterclass at the Académie with Louis LangréeConcerts and recitals
Masterclass at the Académie with Sabine DevieilheConcerts and recitals
Masterclass at the Académie with Wajdi MouawadConcerts and recitals
Masterclass of the Académie with Emmanuelle de NegriConcerts and recitals
Masterclass of the Académie with Laurence EquilbeyConcerts and recitals
Masterclass of the Académie with Lucie LeguayConcerts and recitals
Masterclass of the Académie with Raphaël PichonConcerts and recitals
Masterclass of the Académie with Sabine Devieilhe et Mathieu PordoyConcerts and recitals
Masterclass with Benjamin LazarConcerts and recitals
Masterclass with Vannina SantoniConcerts and recitals
Masterclasse de l'Académie avec Raphaël PichonConcerts and recitals
Masterclasses at the AcadémieConcerts and recitals
Masterclasses of the Académie with Louis Langrée et Cyrille DuboisConcerts and recitals
MécanopéraYoung audiences programme
MécanopéraYoung audiences programme
Médée / Georg Anton BendaConcerts and recitals
Merlin's Island or The Upside-Down World Concerts and recitals
Michael’s journeyYoung audiences programme
Monsieur Beaucaire, a Radio OperaOpera
Movement, colour, passion, lifeSeminars
My Fair Lady Opera
Nature isn't a decor anymoreSeminars
Nature isn't a decor anymoreSeminars
Nature isn't a decor anymoreSeminars
Nature isn’t just a decor anymoreSeminars
New voices awardConcerts and recitals
Now singConcerts and recitals
Now sing!Concerts and recitals
Nuit sans aubeOpera
Offenbach's dream waltzYoung audiences programme
Offenbach’s dream waltzYoung audiences programme
Open doors for familiesEvent
Open doors weekendEvent
Open house day for familiesEvent
Open house day for familiesEvent
Orphée et EurydiceOpera
Painters at the operaSeminars
Parent and child workshopsYoung audiences programme
Parents-children activityYoung audiences programme
Pelléas et MélisandeOpera
Pelléas et Mélisande
Pelléas et MélisandeConcerts and recitals
Pelléas MasterclassYoung audiences programme
Petite Balade aux enfersYoung audiences programme
Petite balade aux enfersYoung audiences programme
Petite Balade aux EnfersYoung audiences programme
Picture a day like thisOpera
Pleine NuitEvent
Porte 8 Concerts and recitals
Porte 8 kidsYoung audiences programme
Pré-Maîtrise concertYoung audiences programme
Prima Le Parole !Seminars
Public class of the Maîtrise PopulaireYoung audiences programme
Public course of the MaîtriseYoung audiences programme
Pulcinella & L'Heure espagnoleOpera
Re OrsoOpera
Recital : Stéphane Degout & Cédric TiberghienConcerts and recitals
Recital Cyrille Dubois & Tristan RaësConcerts and recitals
Recital Julie Roset & Susan ManoffConcerts and recitals
Recital Stéphanie d'Oustrac & Pascal JourdanConcerts and recitals
Robert le cochon et les kidnappeursYoung audiences programme
Robert le Cochon et les kidnappeursOpera
Roméo et JulietteOpera
Seasons at the AcadémieConcerts and recitals
Seasons at the AcadémieConcerts and recitals
Sémiramis & Don JuanOpera
Sharing songsConcerts and recitals
Sharing songsYoung audiences programme
Sharing songsYoung audiences programme
Sharing songsYoung audiences programme
Sharing songsYoung audiences programme
Sharing SongsYoung audiences programme
Sharing songsYoung audiences programme
Sharing songsYoung audiences programme
Sing to your heart’s contentEvent
Sing with the MaîtriseYoung audiences programme
Singing toursEvent
Soirée GothiqueConcerts and recitals
Solidarity Concert for UkraineConcerts and recitals
Starlit decemberEvent
Tales of passing timeYoung audiences programme
The Fairy QueenOpera
The heart and its reasons in french opera in the XIX centurySeminars
The Mystery of the Blue SquirrelYoung audiences programme
The Opéra Comique during the great war (1914-1918)
The Opéra-Comique’s italian days Seminars
The PontikisYoung audiences programme
The troupe of the Opéra Comique, yesterday and tomorrowSeminars
Titon et l'AuroreOpera
Tous à l'opéraEvent
Tous à l'opéraEvent
Tune in!Young audiences programme
Venus and AdonisOpera
Visit the Opéra ComiqueEvent
Visitez l'Opéra ComiqueEvent
Voyage au pays de Maurice RavelConcerts and recitals
We need to talk about OperaSeminars
Week-end « Scènes ouvertes »Event
Women at the Opéra-ComiqueSeminars
Women of the Opéra-ComiqueSeminars
Written on SkinOpera
Zampa ou la fiancée de marbreOpera
Zémire et AzorOpera