A magical and philosophical tale, L'Île de Merlin ou Le Monde renversé is a comic opera in one act composed by Christoph Willibald Gluck and premiered in Vienna in 1758. The libretto, in French, is a version revised in 1753 by Louis Anseaume of the comedy mixed with vaudeville Le Monde renversé, written by Lesage and d'Orneval in 1718.
Salle Bizet | Durée : 1h15

The Académie de l’Opéra-Comique
A major player in operatic creation for more than three centuries, in 2023 the Opéra-Comique is opening an Académie aimed at new generations of performers.
Its aim is to promote the comic opera genre and its specific art of interpretation, as close as possible to the text and the stage. It aims to be a centre of artistic excellence for French singing and the art of the spoken and sung word. The Académie also aims to bring out and support young French-speaking artists, encouraging them to develop new ways of looking at opera and its vitality.