Music by Georges Aperghis. Libretto based on Les Boulingrin by Georges Courteline
Commissioned by the Opéra-Comique : world premiere on 12 May 2010

Courteline’s drama is usually presented in a very bourgeois fashion. Yet, all his dramas display a climactic aspect accounted for by the music. In its outrageousness, the Boulingrins’s opposition about their unfortunate guest, parasite Des Rillettes, reveals the latent violence of many a fashionable conversation. Madness catches up the four protagonists and social circumstances before creeping into the scenery which from then on grows its own life. Sincerity makes social conventions burst into pieces. With an irresistible mixture of comedy and hell, Georges Aperghis and Jérôme Deschamps invent a musical drama in which the music, the scenery and tragedy merge into an explosive cocktail.
Scene 1
Des Rillettes, a professional freeloader, is received by the Boulingrins’ maid Félicie. From the conversation in the antechamber he is convinced to have knocked at the right door. He will be welcome to dine three times a week with this very close couple.
Scene 2
And take advantage of bourgeois comfort..
Scene 3
But as soon as he is greeted, the Boulingrins quarrel over who is to speak and then torment Des Rillettes with their displays of courtesy. Insults and slanders fly around their guest whose reconciliatory attempts stir up conflict..
Scene 4
Mrs Boulingrin’s departure seems to restore peacefulness. But in spite of affable and friendly words, Mr Boulingrin starts to torture Des Rillettes again by relating his conjugal ordeal in great detail. The latter tries to flee to no avail.
Scene 5
Mrs Boulingrin comes back to make him taste the corky wine served by her husband who leaves the place. Des Rillettes endeavors to escape in vain.
Scene 6
Mrs Boulingrin enjoins Des Rillettes to abduct her. He declines because of an old amour. Infuriated by his lack of consideration, she shows him how her husband treats her and claims to be a victim.
Scene 7
Mr Boulingrin comes back from the kitchen. The Boulingrins want their guest to gulp corky wine and poisoned soup. During the wrangle, wine and soup fly low. Madam produces a pistol so as to be done with her husband who shelters behind Des Rillettes. While the latter is hit and collapses, the Boulingrins take it out on the furniture and Madam sets fire to their home. In the midst of the fire, Mr Boulingrin invites Des Rillettes to drink champagne.
Musical direction, Jean Deroyer
Stage direction, Jérôme Deschamps
Des Rillettes, Lionel Peintre
Boulingrin, Jean-Sébastien Bou
Madame Boulingrin, Doris Lamprecht
Félicie, Donatienne Michel-Dansac
Klangforum Wien
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - 8:00pm
Friday, May 14, 2010 - 8:00pm
Sunday, May 16, 2010 - 3:00pm
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 - 8:00pm
Salle Favart
108, 87, 65, 40, 15, 6 €

Klangforum Wien
Production, Opéra Comique
Coproduction, Klangforum Wien

Supported by La Muse en Circuit, Centre national de création musicale