Discovering the operatic repertoire as part of the audience is great, but practising the repertoire vocalising it is even better ! Get acquainted with the repertoire and sing along during our participatory workshops, for children aged 6 and over.
Choirmaster Iris Thion-Poncet • Pianist Juliette Journaux
Duration : 1h
Rates : 10 € / 6 € (schools)
Salle Bizet
People with reduced mobility
16 seats are dedicated to people with reduced mobility, on reservation at the box office or by phone. Access to the lift is located 5 rue Favart
+33 1 70 23 01 44 | accessibilite@opera-comique.com
Les pléiades
Around the show
As you will discover, each lyrical production will be supported by “Pleiades” extending and enriching its content in accessible, offbeat, prospective or intimate formats.