De 6€ à 138€

Ercole Amante

Francesco Cavalli

November 04 to 12, 2019

De 6€ à 138€
Le spectacle est diffusé sur Arte Concert le 12 novembre, pendant 6 mois et le 30 novembre 2019 à 20h sur France Musique

Opera in a prologue and five acts to a libretto by Francesco Buti
Premiered in Paris (Tuileries) in 1662


Hercules loves young Iole but is married to Dejanira. Besides, Iole is also loved by their son Hyllus. Venus, who favors love, or Juno, who protects fidelity, who will win?

Hercules in love or love allied to seduction. No more flattering a subject could have been chosen to celebrate the wedding of young Louis XIV and the Infanta of Spain. Mazarin mobilized the best Italian artists for this opera in order to spread the image of an irresistible monarchy. Opera was still an Italian art form and prolific Cavalli was its best representative since Monteverdi’s death.

The work mingles bigwigs with mythology, emotions with natural and cosmic phenomena. The result, a court ballet, a machine piece and an opera, is perfectly sumptuous and baroque. Sung in Italian, Ercole amante was hardly understood at the time, and yet it was to inspire a young ballet master named Lully.

The beauty of this rare piece is displayed by Raphaël Pichon and an ideal cast. Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq give the Baroque the freshness and fantasy that made the success of their Domino noir in 2018.

Production in Italian with French supertitles


Hercule amoureux, Hercule assassin, Hercule dieu sage. Venez découvrir l'opéra de Cavalli mis en scène par Valérie Lesort et Christian Hecq avec à la baguette Raphaël Pichon du 4 au 12 Novembre 2019

Hercule amoureux, Hercule assassin, Hercule dieu sage. Venez découvrir l'opéra de Cavalli mis en scène par Valérie Lesort et Christian Hecq avec à la baguette Raphaël Pichon du 4 au 12 Novembre 2019


Music direction, Raphaël Pichon • Staging, Valérie Lesort et Christian Hecq • With  Nahuel di Pierro, Anna Bonitatibus, Giuseppina Bridelli, Francesca Aspromonte, Krystian Adam, Eugénie Lefebvre, Giulia Semenzato, Luca Tittoto, Ray Chenez, Dominique Visse • Choir and orchestra, Pygmalion

See all the cast

3h30 (entracte inclus) - Salle Favart

138, 122, 97, 75, 50, 34, 16, 6 €

Spectacle en italien, surtitré en français et en anglais

Audio description (EN)

Some operas are available in audio description. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand.
More info on this page

People with reduced mobility

16 seats are dedicated to people with reduced mobility, on reservation at the box office or by phone. Access to the lift is located 5 rue Favart
+33 1 70 23 01 44 |

Relax sessions

Relax sessions offer a inclusive caring environment for people whose disability (autism, multiple disabilities, mental or psychic disability, Alzheimer…) may give rise to atypical and unpredictable behaviour during the show.

Aged 10 and older


Music direction
Raphaël Pichon
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Valérie Lesort
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Christian Hecq
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Laurent Peduzzi
Vanessa Sannino
Christian Pinaud
Moves collaboration
Rémi Boissy
Puppets realisation
Carole Allemand
Puppets realisation
Sophie Coeffic
Puppets realisation
Valérie Lesort
Staging assistant
Olivier Podesta
Scenography assistant
Maïté Vauclin
Costumes assistant
Peggy Sturm
Vocal coach
Pierre Gallon
Membre de Pygmalion
Nahuel di Pierro
Anna Bonitatibus
Giuseppina Bridelli
Francesca Aspromonte
Krystian Adam
Pasithea Clerica, Terza Grazia, Secondo Pianeta
Eugénie Lefebvre
Venere, Bellezza, Cinthia (prologo)
Giulia Semenzato
Nettuno, Eutyro
Luca Tittoto
Il Paggio
Ray Chenez
Dominique Visse

Prima Grazia Marie Planinsek
Seconda Grazia, Primo Pianeta Perrine Devillers
Terzo Pianeta Corinne Bahuaud
Prima Aura Olivier Coiffet
Seconda Aura, un Sacrificatore Renaud Brès
Ruscello, Busiride, un Sacrificatore Nicolas Brooymans
Un Sacrificatore Constantin Goubet
Membres de Pygmalion

Dancers: Anna Beghelli, Rémi Boissy, Leslie Dzierla, Mikaël Fau, Florence Peyrard

Choir and orchestra
Ensemble Pygmalion
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New production
Opéra Comique

Château de Versailles Spectacles, Opéra National de Bordeaux

We thank Centre de musique baroque de Versailles, Collaboration scientifique de Barbara Nestola, CNRS-CESR/CMBV

Compositions et orchestration Miguel Henry & Raphaël Pichon © Edition Nicolas Sceaux - Pygmalion - Tous droits réservés

Before the show

Meet the artists, Tuesday 15 October at 7 pm
Presentation of the production 45 minutes prior to the performance :

- Keys to the production, salle Bizet
- Sing Ercole amante, Foyer Favart


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France Télévisions

Behind the scene

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Hercule amoureux, Hercule assassin, Hercule dieu sage. Venez découvrir l'opéra de Cavalli mis en scène par Valérie Lesort et Christian Hecq avec à la baguette Raphaël Pichon du 4 au 12 Novembre 2019

Hercule amoureux, Hercule assassin, Hercule dieu sage. Venez découvrir l'opéra de Cavalli mis en scène par Valérie Lesort et Christian Hecq avec à la baguette Raphaël Pichon du 4 au 12 Novembre 2019

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