Pulcinella et l'Heure Espagnole
165, 135, 110, 75, 50, 35, 15, 6 €

Pulcinella & L'Heure espagnole

Igor Stravinsky / Maurice Ravel

March 09 to 19, 2024

165, 135, 110, 75, 50, 35, 15, 6 €

Louis Langrée, Guillaume Gallienne and Clairemarie Osta combine performing arts to honour these two masterpieces, inspired by the gallant XVIIIth century, in a show that celebrates comic spirit’s fruitfulness and freedom in genre.

For once, all the girls are in love with Polichinelle. He has to get rid of the jealous all the while saving his own romance. Concepción, on the other hand, is afflicted with lovers as disappointing as her husband, Toledo’s clockmaker.

Ravel, nicknamed the “Swiss watchmaker” by Stravinsky, created his first lyrical opus, a musical comedy magnifying the spoken words and mechanics of theatre, at the Opéra-Comique just before starting his collaboration with the Russian Ballets. It is also for these latter that, just after the war, Stravinsky accepted to draw inspiration from Pergolesi’s work. Created at the Opéra, his ballet Pulcinella launched the neoclassical period of his production. 

Pulcinella | Ballet with songs in one act music based on Pergolèse. Created at the Opéra de Paris on 15th may 1920.

L’Heure espagnole | Musical Comedy in one act libretto by Franc-Nohain. Created at the Opéra-Comique on 19th may 1911 

Musical direction, Louis Langrée Stage direction, Guillaume Gallienne • Choreography, Clairemarie Osta Orchestre des Champs-Élysées
Pulcinella | Dancers, Oscar Salomonsson, Alice Renavand, Iván Delgado, Manon Dubourdeaux, Anna Guillermin, Stoyan Zmarzlik Soloists, Camille Chopin, Abel Zamora and François Lis 

L'Heure espagnole | With Stéphanie d'Oustrac, Philippe Talbot, Benoît Rameau, Jean-Sébastien Bou, Nicolas Cavallier

See all the cast

Estimated duration : 2h10, including intermission - Salle Favart
165, 135, 110, 75, 50, 35, 15, 6 €

Show performed in French with French and English surtitles

The doors of the opera-house open 45 minutes before the performance.

Audio description (EN)

Some operas are available in audio description. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand.
More info on this page

People with reduced mobility

16 seats are dedicated to people with reduced mobility, on reservation at the box office or by phone. Access to the lift is located 5 rue Favart
+33 1 70 23 01 44 | accessibilite@opera-comique.com

Visitors who are deaf or hard of hearing

Headsets and magnetic loops are available at the ticket inspection desk, on deposit of your ID. Material in Braille and large prints is available free of charge, on site.

Relax sessions

Relax sessions offer a inclusive caring environment for people whose disability (autism, multiple disabilities, mental or psychic disability, Alzheimer…) may give rise to atypical and unpredictable behaviour during the show.

Aged 10 and older

Les pléiades

Around the show
As you will discover, each lyrical production will be supported by “Pleiades” extending and enriching its content in accessible, offbeat, prospective or intimate formats.

Before the show

To discover

45 minutes before the performance : The keys to the show with the dramaturge of the Opéra Comique.

Salle Bizet | Free

To relax

The intermission bar offers drinks and light refreshments as soon as the theatre doors open.


Relax session | Sunday 17 March at 3 pm
Relax sessions offer a inclusive caring environment for people whose disability may give rise to atypical and unpredictable behaviour during the show. 


Audiodescription (In French) | Friday 15 March at 8 pm and Sunday 17 March at 3 pm
This opera is available in audio description. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand.


Musical direction
Louis Langrée
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Stage direction
Guillaume Gallienne
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Clairemarie Osta
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Playwright and artistic collaboration on stage
Marie Lambert-Le Bihan
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Sylvie Olivé
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Olivier Bériot
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John Torres
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Vocal conductor
Marine Thoreau La Salle
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Pianist (dance rehearsals)
Clément Rataud
Musical assistant (Pulcinella)
Sammy El Ghadab
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Musical assistant (L'Heure espagnole)
Guillemette Daboval
Assistant choreographer
Laure Muret
Decor assist
Coralie Lèguevaque
Costumes assist
Jérémy Bauchet
Staging intern
Barthélémy Fortier
Orchestre des Champs-Élysées
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Estonian National Opera

*Académie de l'Opéra-Comique


Oscar Salomonsson
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The fiancée
Alice Renavand
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A man
Iván Delgado
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A woman
Manon Dubourdeaux
Read more
A woman
Anna Guillermin
Read more
A man
Stoyan Zmarzlik
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Camille Chopin
Abel Zamora
François Lis
Read more

* Singers from the Académie of the Opéra-Comique


Stéphanie d’Oustrac
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Philippe Talbot
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Benoît Rameau
Read more
Jean-Sébastien Bou
Read more
Don Iñigo Gomez
Nicolas Cavallier
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Marion Vergez-Pascal
Read more

* Singer from the Académie of the Opéra-Comique

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